Metaphor Detection Dataset

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Metaphor Detection Dataset

We developed this dataset in the scope of a preliminary experimentation aimed at assessing the quality of a metaphor detection algorithm based on concept abstractness scores [bibcite key=mensa18grasping].

In this simple corpus we collected 150 sentences in the format:

<id> <type> <label> <sentence>


  • id is an unique identifier;
  • type refers to the type of metaphorical expression of the sentence. T1 sentences contains two nouns and one verb used as copula (e.g., lawyers are reale sharks), while T2 sentences indicate a relationship between a noun and a verb (e.g., warm water evaporated in few minutes);
  • label indicates if the sentence is metaphorical or not (M, N);
  • sentence is the sentence.

[download id=”799″]

Reference papers
