

About Objectdex

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Objectdex is a dataset built upon the annotations of the SUN Database. Starting from a set of scenes (scenes universe), the objects appearing in them are extracted. They are filtered and reorganised, each provided with the relative scene distribution.

The dataset is represented as an intuitive json file. For instance, the clothes entry is represented as follows:

    "object_name": "clothes",
    "distribution": [
        "scene_name": "bedroom",
        "count": 7,
        "percentage": 0.6363636363636364
        "scene_name": "garage",
        "count": 3,
        "percentage": 0.2727272727272727
        "scene_name": "nursery",
        "count": 1,
        "percentage": 0.09090909090909091

This dataset can be employed for the scene recognition task.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”Scene Universe 1″ tab_id=”1508292592358-705c0335-68dc”][vc_column_text]

Scene Universe 1

The Scene Universe 1 is made of 10 scenes, which are all rooms of the house. Purpose of this small universe is to provide a set of objects that share a common context for a real use case scenario.

Publication date

1 December 2018

Complete list of scenes
corridor, nursery, playroom, attic, garage, office, kitchen, atrium, bathroom, bedroom

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[download id=”746″][download id=”760″][/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Universe Scene 2″ tab_id=”1508292592358-c0c8b131-89a0″][vc_column_text]

Scene Universe 2

The Scene Universe 2 is made of 361 scenes. The set ìs very heterogeneous, as it includes both indoor and outdoor scenes.

Publication date

1 December 2018

Complete list of scenes
fishmarket, cubicle, dolmen, cafeteria, bar, farm, bistro, ramp, chapel, amphitheater, airport, shrine, mill, dinette, canyon, courtyard, orchard, promenade, hoodoo, sawmill, forest, glade, cloakroom, cliff, barnyard, mineshaft, observatory, vineyard, pier, volcano, staircase, mine, battlement, escalator, cardroom, pawnshop, postern, pagoda, stage, morgue, arch, river, desert, baptistry, ditch, igloo, excavation, cottage, highway, hayfield, watchtower, jail, taxiway, grotto, vestry, breakroom, pharmacy, bookbindery, auditorium, mezzanine, aqueduct, manhole, backstairs, jetty, reception, barndoor, pasture, dugout, bedchamber, roof, hatchway, armory, aquarium, tundra, cavern, pulpit, pizzeria, beach, belfry, gate, fort, tunnel, freeway, fountain, corridor, hut, motel, washhouse, savanna, stadium, embankment, winery, bathroom, newsroom, sky, gymnasium, hallway, bakery, sacristy, chalet, butte, classroom, doorway, medina, kasbah, field, podium, ziggurat, teashop, city, islet, workroom, barrack, abbey, crosswalk, library, creek, brewery, sauna, levee, cathedral, restroom, alcove, moat, restaurant, driveway, overpass, shed, bindery, casino, office, pilothouse, heath, plaza, airlock, gasworks, roundhouse, tower, nightclub, loft, granary, windmill, greenhouse, runway, quadrangle, valley, bog, lake, gazebo, junkyard, lavatory, drugstore, cloister, toyshop, mesa, playground, hayloft, atrium, roundabout, cabana, sandbox, kitchenette, lobby, estuary, stable, rainforest, refectory, fence, boardwalk, catacomb, playroom, shopfront, boathouse, mountain, bank, bayou, courthouse, rectory, resort, fishpond, dock, bullring, marsh, sandbar, jacuzzi, trench, synagogue, greengrocery, skyscraper, weighbridge, heliport, warehouse, flood, booth, incinerator, bathhouse, mission,menhir, bridge, thriftshop, shower, mosque, cabin, landfill, fjord, bookstore, planetarium, waterfall, ferryboat, canal, kitchen, cemetery, velodrome, quicksand, garage, closet, mudflat, swamp, lagoon, hill, fairway, canteen, carrousel, foundry, darkroom, slum, castle, woodland, skywalk, arena, nunnery, barn, kennel, oilrig, bazaar, ruin, chaparral, palace, campus, ranch, laundromat, ocean, museum, ballroom, basement, crevasse, distillery, escarpment, gangplank, bullpen, house, wave, tearoom, portico, street, berth, backstage, mansion, racecourse, airfield, arcade, apse, bedroom, landing, attic, schoolyard, campsite, labyrinth, kiosk, pub, viaduct, yard, raft, brickyard, bleachers, balcony, elevator, hacienda, poolroom, hangar, delicatessen, outhouse, downtown, badlands, coast, nursery, moor, gorge, lawn, gatehouse, galley, diner, church, outcropping, supermarket, dacha, patio, donjon, mastaba, basilica, pantry, wharf, hedgerow, rubble, discotheque, carport, cockpit, hatchery, veranda, snowfield, optician, spillway, monastery, palisade, priory, dairy, oasis, harbor, sinkhole, dam, courtroom, corral, pavilion, alley, cybercafe, guardhouse, parlor, porch, workshop, archive, market, fortress, schoolhouse, catwalk, embassy, tent, gulch, pond, lighthouse, seawall, raceway, hearth, lumberyard, iceberg, confessional, zoo, barbershop, track, hospital, village, glacier, park, factory, scriptorium, inn, newsstand, tollbooth, caravansary, mausoleum, temple, ossuary

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[download id=”753″][download id=”762″][/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][vc_column_text]

Creative Commons License All of the above data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.


Reference papers

